Beer Gardens And Betfair! Temptation…

Beer Garden

May Weather…

We had a bit of a freak weekend here this week. The temperature gauge in my car hit 28 degrees at one point… it all seems a bit odd as a few days previous there was a hailstorm going on outside the office window – global warming? Only a couple of weeks back I was in Fuerteventura with the family where it was just 24!

Either way, it was a little distracting when watching those flashing numbers we all love so much! Not to mention the need for a high-power fan. The difference being it’s not usually required for at least another month.

Beer garden’s and well, beer has always been a weakness of mine. It’s a tough one as I’m incredibly fond of the evening markets in the summer but at the same time; who wants to miss out on a beer in the sun with their mates? It’s made even harder not having a boss to answer too… and when your friends know it as well!

Month Ahead…

The markets are starting to heat up nicely now. With the evening schedule flowing and the better weather on the way there will be more opportunity than the winter months, far more. Most of you know this though, I can tell purely from the lack of tweets asking about when liquidity will pick up!

Having some routine and a set idea on how many races you will trade, what will be the most interesting ones and when to take a break will be of great benefit. Unlike the winter months there are so many races you may want to pick and choose a little more. Obviously you can still attempt to trade them all (been there, done that) but bear in mind you’ll become fatigued at points and possibly not operate at your best, particularly if it’s very hot outside like this weekend just gone.

Remembering each race is unique is productive things to do. So many come into trading Betfair thinking that winning is this one-size-fits-all strategy. While there are some edges that fit into most markets, it’s rarely the case (with the better ones anyway). So by planning out a trading session; knowing your own strengths and weaknesses, and the strong and weak points within a race-card for your style things are likely to be a lot smoother. After a while it becomes second nature, the important thing is to recognise it.

Related Post: My Trading Rituals – Fuel

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