Week one and on target!

So at the end of the first week of 2014 I’m on target…

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After my new years post you will know I have set myself a target this year to work less and increase income, this week I’ve worked a total of about 21 hours trading and tallied up 1.94% of my overall target for 2014 (£100k).

Next week, I’m off to Tenerife for a holiday, and it seems I’ve timed it just right with the bad weather and abandoned meetings back home. Hopefully, by the time I return, the weather will have settled. While I’m away, urgent support emails will be checked, but general inquiries will be addressed upon my return.

This week, the markets have been decent overall, though at times it has felt like a lot of effort for not the best return. It’s just that time of year when the markets tend to be a bit dull, similar to the October/November period. It’s a common scenario, with activity being lower than usual, which has sometimes prevented me from using the stakes I would have liked.

Trading mentality can really be tested during these weaker months. It’s important to give yourself some leeway and lower your expectations—this might actually help improve your results by avoiding bigger errors.

By the end of February, things will start heating up again in anticipation of Cheltenham 2014, so don’t get too discouraged if you’re finding it tough lately.

I haven’t delved into the ante-post markets yet, though I probably should have. Now is the time to catch some good prices if that’s your interest. Recent news often provides valuable hints, and Sprinter Sacre is one to watch based on recent updates.

I’ll post again once I’m back from my break! Happy Trading!

4 thoughts on “Week one and on target!

    1. Hi caan and its good to see you have made a good start to the year ,it bodes well i hope for the rest of 2014 : )
      Just to let you know i have just purchased the trading guide and will be giving that some serious attention in next few days so ty for making this guide available to others to enable us to get an insight into what pre race trading is about.
      I am hoping to start trading again from the end of march this year and with working it will be mainly evenings and weekends that i will be trying some pre race trading and i am hoping to learn more from keeping tabs on your blog.
      Keep up the good work and would also like to ask if your planning any more of your trading videos? I know they are time consuming but for new traders like myself they are very informative : )
      Take care and hope you have a great relaxing holiday , all the best.

      1. Hi Darren,

        Thanks, with plenty of patience, discipline and the guide i have no dobt it will improve your performance. March is a good time of year to start trading, evenings and weekends is how i started. There will be video’s in time, cheers for the kind words. Im off in a bit so thanks!


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