Happy New Year!!

2014 Begins!….

I kicked off the new year with a moderate trading day. Given it was a bank holiday Monday, I didn’t engage with all the races—balancing the quality races with the poorer ones can be challenging, especially with frequent delays, overlaps, and changes in televised coverage.

Over the festive period, I logged in a few times to capitalize on the larger races that had higher volumes passing through the markets. While nothing was spectacular, it was a generally good round.

Reflecting on last month, I realized I took over half of it off. This brings me to my New Year’s resolution! Typically, people opt for resolutions like losing weight or cutting back on drinking. I usually avoid setting resolutions, but this year I’ve decided to give it a go:
**To work fewer hours while increasing my income.**
This goal is ambitious—easier said than done. Specifically, I aim to work no more than 20 hours per week on average trading, while aiming to profit more than £100,000 (before deductions) over the year. It’s a bold statement, but I fully believe it’s achievable.

To start the year off right, I’m heading to the Canaries for a holiday since January is typically one of the worst months for trading on Betfair. I’ll be away next week, so my next post might be a bit delayed. Also, in response to requests for more YouTube content, expect a few more videos soon!

Wishing you all a profitable new year!

4 thoughts on “Happy New Year!!

  1. Happy new year to you as well.

    Your new years resolution sounds like a fun project to follow. Will you be posting updates here on the blog?

    I look forward to more youtube videos and blog posts. I always learn something when I watch you trade.

    Best regards,

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