Merry Christmas! I’ll see you in the new year!

There’s just enough time for one last post before I head off to pick up my son for Christmas!

This year has been a real whirlwind, marked by significant growth and achievements. My trading results have soared, I’ve moved twice, switched cars twice, enjoyed three trips abroad, written and released the Pre Race Trading Guide, purchased a house, contributed articles to Betfair, and managed to enjoy a total of 162 days off! And if all that wasn’t enough, I’m also excited to announce that I’m becoming a father again in May!

Will I be able to top this next year? Who knows, but I certainly hope so! However, even if I don’t, I won’t be disappointed.

Reflecting back to when I first started blogging in January 2011 with just £600 in my Betfair account, having blown through several banks trying to learn and often working long hours—if you had told me then about the rapid progress I would make, I probably wouldn’t have believed it.

This week, Alan emailed me to share his results, which he’s kindly allowed me to include in this post. Alan has been experimenting with the markets for a while but recently started applying the strategies from the guide:

“I’ve been putting your ideas to the test and gaining great experience in the betting markets. I’ve been using £10 stakes, mainly scalping, though I’ve managed a few small swing trades when opportunities arose. It certainly shows what is possible with a little effort.”

From £10 stakes, Alan’s results are impressive. Consistency is key! If he maintains this level of consistency, it won’t be long before he can increase his stakes. Great work, Alan—it’s wonderful to hear such positive feedback.

While I’m looking forward to the big races over Christmas, especially the King George, I won’t be trading them all since family time is also crucial. I’ll resume posting in the new year for that reason. In the meantime, if you want to get in touch, you can catch me on Twitter and Facebook — follow the links on the right!

Have a great Christmas!

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