Here you’ll find various betting odds explanations. Along with a few other ‘explainer style’ posts that have been written over time. Typically, betting explanations are quite dry and boring. However, they are vital if you want to succeed in the betting odds markets. Here, we’ve tried to make things as simple as possible.
In the modern world where sharp punters focus on price, palpable errors are becoming more regular. Often called a “palp” within the betting community, these […]
Everything seems to be immediate these days. In a digital world full of instant gratification, it’s not surprising… Just about every day we get one of […]
Newbies think that you can’t profit from trading sports unless you’ve got prior knowledge of things like horses form. It’s completely logical to kind of […]
Information. Information. Information. It’s at the heart of everything we do. But when it comes to the betting media, which sources are going to help […]