Working to live, not living to work….

What a week!

Apologies if you’ve been waiting for updates over the last week or so. A couple of you have reached out asking for more Back-to-Lay updates. Now that I’m back, they will resume. You might want to follow the Facebook page for more detailed feedback on potential front-runners, as it allows for more characters.

Last week, I spent some quality time in the sun with my son. I posted a while ago about how he wanted to go on a plane and to the beach for his 4th birthday. I was initially hesitant to take him alone, but it turned out to be the best experience to date! I’d recommend it to anyone. I think I actually learned a lot by leaving work at home, hence the title—a phrase I used to hear a lot in the Army when people complained about working hours and last-minute deployments. This time, though, I feel I’m truly on the other side of the fence.

I work to live—not the other way around.

Having so much fun with my son really emphasised why I set out to do this for a living in the first place. What’s the point of sitting in an office crunching numbers and stats all day long to generate massive wealth trading on Betfair, when you can still have financial freedom and enjoy lots of time off with those you love?

Even worse, some people book the Ritz or a holiday away and take their trading equipment with them… I don’t see the point myself.

As Steve Jobs once said: “There’s no point in being the richest man in the cemetery.”

I also read an article last week written by a nurse who explained she never came across anyone who wished they had made more money in their life while on their deathbed. Heavy stuff, but powerful when you think about it.


It looks like a good day to have come back to the markets today with York on TV and Camerooney running again at Musselburgh. Unfortunately, this time he may face more competition for the lead (as I posted earlier).

Going forward, I’ll be looking into being more efficient with my trading to free up even more time. I’m already thinking about another holiday (an adult one this time). After a week of playing with a 4-year-old and pretending to be a battleship/crocodile/shark, I think I need one to recover, HaHa!!

Have a good one if you’re trading!

Related Article: Rewards of Trading

5 thoughts on “Working to live, not living to work….

  1. Good to see you back dude. Just had a fantastic 23 day holiday in Tenerife with the family myself, and wholeheartedly agree with everything you say here. No point penny pinching about the cost of summer holidays as an excuse to feed your addiction to making money you don’t need, just leave the laptop at home and have some quality time away with the kids when they are on hols. ;=)

  2. Seems to be to be the biggest perk in doing this! No restrictions on how much time you can take off or when. Looks like you had a great time in the sun though – I’m jealous.

  3. Nice one caan. It’s. Good to see you enjoying your family. Best to enjoy them now as they are growing up as once that time passes you will never get it back. You probably had time to recharge mentally too!!

  4. Yep enjoy that time with your kids whilst you can Caan, one of the reasons I went into trading years ago was to spend time with them. They grow a lot quicker than you think ,mine have just got their A and GCSE level results. Eldest is off to uni so had 3 holidays this summer and off to Devon next week. Only going to get so many holidays with them as kids and taking a laptop or delaying holidays just to make a few extra quid is alien to me. Guess we all have different priorities when it comes to cash and families but I doubt the kids will be happy to sit at home thru the summer just so you can say you’ve had a bumper week.

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