Evening racing!! woohooo!!!

It’s here! At last!!!

The evening racing schedule has kicked off, and it’s my absolute favorite time of year! You might wonder why I’m so enthusiastic about it. Let me share why evening racing holds a special place in my heart.

Evening racing is where I honed my trading skills. Back when I worked a regular 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM job, I’d miss most, if not all, of the afternoon’s races by the time I got home. Like many traders who start to grasp the mechanics and crave more action, I didn’t want to miss a single race. However, when the evenings grow longer and more races are added, everything changes. This was when I had my ‘eureka’ moment!

As I’ve emphasized in previous posts, being relaxed and ready is crucial for consistency. So, if you know there’s racing until 8:15 PM the next day, what’s the rush? You have a good four hours of trading time—more than a whole day’s trading for the pros in winter! It’s a fantastic time of year and undoubtedly the easiest way to double your income from your standard job without the risk of quitting altogether. And if you’re trading full-time, you can either choose your hours more freely or, better still, double your returns!

But it gets even better. The markets during evening races tend to behave slightly differently than daytime races. They seem to trend a bit smoother—perhaps because there’s slightly less money turned over, or because the betting public at home contributes less ‘shrewd’ money and more average Joe punting. I’m not entirely sure why, but it generally means better conditions for making some lower-stress trades. I find this time of year to be far more conducive to successful trading, and I’ll be adding a whole section to the Video Pack over the coming month specifically about evening racing.

So, in a nutshell: let the good times roll, and fill your boots!

The only dilemma, as you might recall from last year, is with the better weather and longer days, it’s hard to resist the temptation to spend each evening in a beer garden with your feet up!

Related: A Beginners Guide to Betfair Scalping on Betfair Exchange

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