Blurred Vision!
Trading’s hard enough, let alone with hay-fever…
This morning the Mrs was nagging me to tend to the garden. Not the most fun task, but even worse when it sets off your hay-fever in a big way!
I hate it with a passion (hay-fever). Anyway, this afternoon didn’t go too bad. Especially when you consider I spent most of the afternoon sneezing, spluttering and with blurred vision.
Today’s Trading…
In comparison to previous weeks I feel at ease while trading now. Being inside my comfort zone while making some cash is a really nice position, but it leaves me thinking it could be time to push the stakes up a notch. Results weren’t hugely impressive although given the circumstances (hay-fever); it could have been far worse.
Scalping the markets today seemed effortless, with higher turnover and quality racing it certainly makes things easier. I felt almost like I’d not made the most of some situations available afterwards but I suppose it’s always easier after. In future I must work harder!
Here’s how it turned out: