Focus – Fitness – Lifestyle

It’s been an exceptionally hectic week, even more than I thought possible. Reflecting on it, I’ve realised a couple of crucial things about focus and trading efficiency.

Focus and Productivity

During these busy periods, my trading suffers—not just in profitability but in productivity too. I find myself easily distracted, less focused, especially when I try to multitask, like answering emails between races (apologies if you’re waiting for a reply!).

Trading demands intense concentration. You’re making hundreds of quick decisions repetitively, which can be exhausting. Losing focus is easy, but maintaining it is a challenge. That’s why it’s critical to dedicate specific times solely for Betfair trading.

I once received an email from a follower describing their chaotic trading environment—juggling trading with childcare, a rowdy dog, and just a laptop. If you’re trading under similar conditions, you’ll need extraordinary skill to succeed!

Minimizing Distractions

Distractions can easily undermine trading. The best strategy is to establish habits that minimize or eliminate them. For instance, regular exercise can significantly enhance focus. This week, I resumed going to the gym and added some swimming sessions. The difference in how I feel is profound.

Despite my love for a morning fry-up and evening beers, I’ve recognized they’re not conducive to productivity. Plus, I’ve noticed a few extra pounds lately. This new exercise routine should help manage that.

Incorporating small changes into your daily routine can dramatically improve your trading outcomes. A while back, I participated in the ‘Tough Guy’ event. Engaging in such activities is a fun way to stay fit and focused.

Market Conditions

This week, the racing markets have been somewhat lacklustre, which might partly be due to my diverted attention. With the World Cup and Wimbledon capturing public interest, it’s no surprise that the fill-rate in racing markets is lower than usual. However, the upcoming Newmarket races should invigorate the markets with enhanced liquidity. Here’s hoping I can stay focused!

Related Article: Top 4 Trading Fears – How to Deal With Them

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