Goodwood, Day Two…

Longtime readers will recall that at the end of last year, I treated myself to a new car using my trading profits, just before I quit my regular job.

The car was running smoothly until around May, shortly after I returned from a holiday. Since then, it’s been one thing after another: the EGR valve, alternator, and gearbox have all failed and needed replacing. It’s unbelievable, really, especially considering the timing—right after a holiday and a major service!

Bad Purchase:

Unfortunately, the car has swallowed a fair bit of cash since the issues began. I’ve decided I’m onto a loser with this vehicle and want to get rid of it. The question now is, what should I replace it with? While it might not be the most sensible idea, I’m tempted by something a bit pricey…

The second day of Goodwood wasn’t much different from the first, except the races in between were of slightly better quality. The big race of the day was quite fluent and presented some good opportunities, though I managed to make a royal mess of them—you can’t always control when these things happen!

As I did yesterday, I recorded the ‘silly mistakes’ I made, which were unnecessary. This time around, I had far fewer mishaps and felt better overall about my trading, although one mistake in particular frustrated me as it really wasn’t necessary to be as significant. I also managed to squeeze in a quick break during trading, which is always advisable. Staring at the screen for hours can really impact your focus. Here’s how it all turned out…

Today’s unforced errors…

-18, -94, -37, – 8, -16, 8, -45, -17, -21        Total = 264

 Related: Sports Trading – What is it?

3 thoughts on “Goodwood, Day Two…

  1. Hi Caan,
    Congratulations on your great results.
    May I ask you how big bank, do you use
    for horse race trading.

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