Monday Madness on Betfair…

Today is typically one of the days I take off each week, as liquidity tends to be lower compared to other days. However, at this time of year, it’s generally good every day for pre-race trading.

Despite planning to take the day off, I had to log online to tackle a mountain of emails that had piled up over the weekend while I was with my son. I also needed to take an important call I’d been waiting for. In between managing emails and browsing online, I noticed Radwanska was playing—and more importantly, she had gone a breakdown early on despite being a heavy favourite starting at 1.21!

This situation alone suggested a possible trading opportunity. Upon further inspection, it seemed like a classic case of Radwanska starting slow, a pattern I remembered from several occasions last year where she came back to win. Considering how well she was playing, I decided to jump in—so much for my morning off, but tennis trading has piqued my interest lately.

The trade panned out pretty well, and as I mentioned earlier after the opportunity passed, I managed to resist the temptation to trade further! Check out those graphs.

Later, I browsed for potential back-to-lay opportunities and spotted a strong chance with Cameroony in the 4.45 race (one of the Video Pack subscribers actually pointed this out to me on Twitter), along with Wild Desert running later in the day (still yet to run as I write this).

Pre-race, I incurred a loss on another runner mainly due to impatience, as the race was delayed by nearly ten minutes. However, I’m glad I waited! A significant move followed, with an SP of 4.5 dropping to 2.8 in a matter of seconds—definitely one to watch for the future!

Hence the title—today turned out to be a bit of a crazy Monday, considering I only booted up to check some emails (if you’ve been expecting a reply from me, you should have it now!).

3 thoughts on “Monday Madness on Betfair…

  1. Inspirational Caan. I noticed that one myself after seeing the videos, just lacking in confidence as i didn’t put my money where my mouth was!!


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