Work, Work, Work – No Holidays!

You might recall that earlier this year, I vowed not to take any more holidays after my second trip in March. My plan was to save everything to buy my first house by the end of the year. However, I might have to break that promise…

Fortunately, it looks like I won’t have to cut back on the house, as I’m well on track to achieve that goal and still fit in another holiday! I haven’t mapped out the long-term plans beyond that—perhaps a second property, but I haven’t thought it through just yet.

My son’s birthday is coming up in a few months, and like most young boys, he’s fascinated by planes. When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday, he excitedly said he wanted to go on a plane. If there’s ever an exception to my no-holiday rule, celebrating my son’s birthday would be it! He also insisted on having a beach as soon as I mentioned a holiday. Demandingly cute, isn’t he? We’re probably looking at somewhere in the Balearic Islands for convenience, but I’m open to suggestions if anyone has any kid-friendly destinations in mind.

This whole situation has made me reflect on the dramatic transformation my life has undergone in the last four years. My serious Betfair trading journey began around May 19, 2010, which I vividly remember from a pre-blog forum thread. It was a time when my son hadn’t been born yet, and with his mom going to bed early during pregnancy, I found myself with ample time at night to delve into Betfair trading through forums and blogs.

Looking back at a challenge I started on the Geeks Toy Forum, my very first day’s profit was a modest £2.98. Back then, while I dreamed of trading full-time, I never fully envisioned that I’d be where I am today. That thread is a record of all the common mistakes I made, which many of you still email me about. Although my early over-excitement is evident in the thread, it was also what propelled me through the tough times.

The hardest part of this journey has been perseverance, especially when faced with skepticism from those around me. The key lesson? Always follow your dreams.

I still remind myself of this, especially when dealing with challenges like the Betfair Premium Charge. Maybe booking that holiday next Wednesday will be a good way to celebrate this journey. I came across a fitting quote earlier this week that I’d like to share:

“The bad news is time flies. The good money is you’re the pilot.”

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