Here you’ll find various betting odds explanations. Along with a few other ‘explainer style’ posts that have been written over time. Typically, betting explanations are quite dry and boring. However, they are vital if you want to succeed in the betting odds markets. Here, we’ve tried to make things as simple as possible.
The BSP, or Betfair Starting Price, is a key term in betting that represents the starting price on Betfair Exchange. Unlike traditional bookmaker starting prices […]
If you’ve ever heard professional gamblers talking about “positive EV” or “+EV” but felt unsure about what it means, you’re in the right place. Understanding […]
If you’re wondering what VIG or JUICE means in sports betting, don’t worry, this guide will provide a clear explanation… VIG, short for vigorish, and […]
When it comes to betting at enhanced value, efficiency, pricing and accuracy are crucial. For bettors focusing on Lucky 15 each-way bets, finding consistent value […]
Betting exchanges are revolutionizing the way people place bets. Unlike traditional bookmakers, exchanges allow you to bet against other users, offering better odds and more […]