January round up

This month, I embarked on the ambitious £100,000 challenge for 2014, and it’s been a bumpy start.

Despite careful planning, nearly everything that could go wrong, did. I started the month with a planned week off in Tenerife. While the first week went smoothly, the third week turned disastrous after I returned. Personal issues necessitated a sudden move, and I’ve since been grappling with an unstable internet connection. As mentioned in a previous post, this instability led to a costly mistake, resulting in a loss of £1.9k.

Thankfully, a friend has provided a temporary internet solution until my new connection is installed on the 3rd.

This month’s result:

Despite the challenges, including technical problems, time off, and significant losses, I believe the outcome for this month is not too harsh and can be accepted. February often presents a slower pace in the markets with many abandoned meetings due to weather, making it a typically bleak month. However, as we move into March, I anticipate that things will start to heat up significantly. While I’ve begun this £100,000 challenge on the back foot, I am optimistic that the pace will accelerate, making the target achievable.

For those trading today, the card looks steady and quite tempting, but I will be sitting this one out until I no longer have to depend on this unreliable ‘WiFi hotspot.’ Good luck to everyone participating!

Also, if you haven’t already, be sure to check out my previous posts to join in on the challenge!

One thought on “January round up

  1. Glad to hear the month ended ok for you mate, I have personally found it very difficult to find time to trade lately with some heavy work commitments. I did however manage to trade almost all afternoon yesterday and had my best results so far with +£20 to only £10 stakes from 20 races 🙂

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