Inspiration – Mind Over Matter

“Incredible how things change when you change your point of view…today I had my best day ever, just having the right mentality, let things run, […]

No Fear – The Emotional Game…

This week, I’ve had a couple of emails of the same kind, which left me thinking about the markets just today. Fear, mindset, mentality… whatever […]

Set yourself some goals….

I recently read a couple of books, one of which has significantly impacted my perspective—not just on trading or making money, but on how I […]

Trading Tracks – Centre Yourself!

Do you ever notice certain things have a profound effect on your behaviour? Here’s a polished version of your reflection on the seasonal changes and […]

Perspective & Biases

In continuation from the previous post about logic and intuition, the topic of biases caught my attention. We all have them—some biases serve us well, […]