Monday Madness on Betfair…

Today is typically one of the days I take off each week, as liquidity tends to be lower compared to other days. However, at this […]

Keeping Focused – Sweat-Box Trading

Keeping focused is paramount when trading Betfair. A few moments of lapsed concentration can be painful. So as the summer kicks in and temperatures rise, […]

Trading the news…..

Keeping an eye on the news is something i’m becoming more and more interested in as it often presents opportunities where by its possible to […]

Tennis… & Podcast Interview!

Apologies for the quiet spell on the blog! This week has been packed with plenty of trading, especially with races extending into the early evenings, […]

Evening racing!! woohooo!!!

It’s here! At last!!! The evening racing schedule has kicked off, and it’s my absolute favorite time of year! You might wonder why I’m so […]