Hay-fever Today…

Blurred Vision! Trading’s hard enough, let alone with hay-fever… This morning the Mrs was nagging me to tend to the garden. Not the most fun […]

OUCH! …Take It On The Chin

Ouch! Why does it hurt so much? …take it on the chin! – It’s my least favourite saying, probably because I hear it at least […]

Saturday… SERIOUS Pain, Grr!

Freak Accident? Unfortunately it’s probably not… but there’s no point ‘crying over spilt’ milk as they say. – So the plan today was to start […]

Testing the Water….

The last week or so I’ve been thinking about in-play trading. Although its completely against my code of trading I was thinking picking a few […]

Disobeying Rule Six….

6. I continually monitor my susceptibility for making errors I’m progressing at a rapid rate of knots… simple. Until I got a little sure of […]

Finish What You Started…

It’s been a busy few days and I haven’t had a lot of time to trade unfortunately. Work has been pretty quite though, which turns out […]


Betfair Greyhounds! Had a few days off after Cheltenham, been busy with other stuff and didn’t want to go blowing some cash over staking in […]