In Running… Back to Lay!

Hellloooo all, in running trading hey? the devil?? Well yes for most its the absolute devil, myself included in the past although I’ve found myself […]

Elephants, Riders and Paths…..

Hey guys!… first off, what an eventful week i’ve had… not trading but its just been one of those weeks where everything ya dont want […]

Light at the end of the tunnel!

So, its been pretty hard of late although i’ve managed to get some trading in where possible having connected up to what i thought was […]

Extreme measures

Oh dear… when it was looking to look so good…. unfortunately life has a habbit of throwing up these situations and has done so for […]

Hold up performer….

  Only 11 days into the month and although it was a bit of a slow start it’s done me a few favours i think! […]

Technical Analysis….

A common debate among forums is often are charts any use on betfair? and to an extent I agree with some of the doubters as […]


Hey all, thought it’s about time I took some time out to broaden my knowledge a bit. The way it’s all going with Betunfair at […]

Not So Glorious Goodwood

Hi all, nearing the end of the month now but thought I’d pop in a short post prior to the months overview…… Not so Glorious […]